How to Reheat French Fries in the Oven

how to reheat french fries in the oven

French fries that have been left around... hold on a minute is that a thing?! 

In the rare scenario that you find yourself in charge of any leftovers of these tempting crispy potato sticks, it is in your best interest to equip yourself with the proper procedure for reheating them. 

And that is a nice idea since we all understand that only some stuff could possibly be more terrible than a moist fry. Like it or not, they can taste just as fantastic as they did the same day you prepared them.

Continuing this, here are some instructions on how to reheat French fries in order to ensure that they maintain their crispiness for the next serving.

Best Option to Reheat French Fries

One can't stress this enough: never, ever use a microwave! When you do that, your fries will almost certainly end up moist. This is something that absolutely nobody wants. In contrast, reheating French fries at a high temperature in the oven is the most effective method. This allows the exterior to become perfectly crisp while the interior maintains its light and airy texture.

Reheating French Fries in the Oven

Before you start reheating, make sure your oven is completely preheated. If you neglect this stage, the fries may not reach the proper temperature in a timely manner, and they may no longer be good enough to consume.

Reheating French fries in a toaster oven gives them a crunchier texture than reheating them in a conventional oven. This method will make the fries heated without getting them soggy, but the taste you experience will be slightly subdued as a result of using this technique.

Why Do French Fries Go moist So Quickly?

The most likely explanation for soggy fries is that one did not cook them at a sufficiently hot temperature. The oil cooks the outer surface without entering the fries if they are deep-fried at around 370° F. 

It is largely steam that cooks it completely. However, as the heat drops, the oil begins to seep into the inside of the fries, resulting in a mushy, oily feeling.

As soon as they exit the dip in hot oil, French fries face an uphill battle against moisture and temperature, two factors that reduce the crispiness of the fries. When potatoes are fried, their starches get hydrated, but as soon as they begin to cool, the hydrated moisture begins to leak out, resulting in damp fries.

Difference Between Heating Food in a Microwave Vs. Oven

When compared to the microwave, the principles of how an oven heats food are very different.

Are Old French Fries Suitable for Reheating?

It is not possible to give a definitive answer here; rather, it is dependent.

Of course, you may reheat the fries, but if they're very old, you might as well throw them and prepare (or purchase!) a fresh batch. Keep in mind that French fries barely last for some days in the fridge before they begin to lose their crunch and turn mushy. 

French fry leftovers are best when eaten early, so make sure to cook them up as soon as possible.

For reheating, which type of fries are suitable?

For best results, reheat French fries made by a restaurant over a day of being served. People have tried reheating fast food fries and found that they didn't perform well unless they ate them the day they purchased them.

When you consider that huge quantities of fries are cooked in oil at fast food restaurants, the assumption is that the oil used there is not particularly good quality. So, the fries from fast-food areas may not fare well in reheating.