How to reheat steak

Everyone loves a good piece of steak for dinner, but sometimes there can be leftovers, especially when you indulge in multiple side dishes. In such situations, you can save the leftover meat and keep it for consumption later.
Saving it for later doesn’t always mean that you have to eat it cold. You can reheat the leftover piece of steak and have a wonderful meal. You cannot expect it to taste the same as the first time, but it will still be tasty and have the right texture if you reheat it properly.
There are multiple ways to reheat a leftover steak, such as skillet, oven, stovetop, etc. This article will discuss how you can reheat a leftover steak to ensure it is as good as the freshly-cooked one.
Using a Skillet to Reheat Steak
Reheating leftover steak on a skillet is a bit labor-intensive, and you must be attentive while searing the meat. If not done correctly, the searing method can backfire and leave you with a burnt exterior and a cold inside.
However, if you get it right, searing is the best way to reheat your leftover steak as it is a faster process. You only need a stovetop and a skillet with a bit of oil or butter.
Let us look at the steps involved in using a skillet to reheat a leftover steak.
- Take the leftover steak from the fridge and let it sit at room temperature for about 10-15 minutes to retain the moisture.
- Once the first step is complete, turn on the stove and place the skillet on top. Add a dash of oil or some butter after the skillet gets heated.
- Take a pair of tongs and place the steak in the skillet, searing and flipping it on both sides every minute or so. Keep the flame on medium heat.
- Remove after about 7 minutes and pour out any remaining juice from the skillet on the steak. Your reheated steak is now ready to serve.
Using a Microwave to Reheat Steak
If you have a microwave at home, you can reheat your leftover steak in a short amount of time. It takes the least time to reheat food in a microwave compared to an oven, skillet, etc.
Your steak may turn out dry if you reheat it in a microwave, so it is always advisable to add some remaining juice or packaged beef stock before you put it in.
Let us look at some of the steps involved in using a microwave to reheat a steak.
- As always, remove the leftover steak from the fridge and let it return to room temperature.
- Put the steak in a microwave safe bowl and pour some juice over the meat so that it will remain moist.
- Let the meat get warm in the microwave at 50% power and take it out after the timer goes off.
- After taking it out form the microwave, let it cool down for several minutes before serving it.
Using an Oven to Reheat Steak
Most people use the oven to reheat their steak as it is the best method and does not take much work. Slow-cooking the steak in an oven at low heat will produce the best result.
Reheating a leftover steak at a high temperature makes it warm on the outside and cold inside. A burnt exterior and cold interior don’t sound that appealing, so it is best to slow-cook at a low temperature.
Below are the steps you can follow to reheat a steak using an oven.
- You can take out your steak from the fridge and let it rest for some time so that meat retains its moisture. Remember not to let it sit out for more than an hour, as it may encourage the formation of bacteria.
- Preheat the oven to 250 degrees Fahrenheit while waiting for the steak to return to room temperature.
- Put the steak on the baking tray using a wire rack so the heat can circulate around it. Simply placing it on the flat surface of the baking tray will result in an uneven spread of heat on the meat.
- Let the meat cook for about 30 to 35 minutes on low heat. Once the time is up, your steak is ready to serve.
- If you want to cook more, take a skillet and sear it on both sides for about a minute each to get some crust.
Using an Air Fryer to Reheat Steak
Everyone looks to own an air fryer because it fries food using a healthier method – hot air. Reheating steak using an air fryer is simple; you must place the meat on the fryer’s basket, close the lid, and let it cook.
You must cut the meat into smaller pieces to get reheated faster. The hot air that circulates the meat will make it crispy and crunchy on the outside.
Let’s look at how reheating steak in an air fryer works.
- After removing it from the fridge, the steak doesn’t need to left at room temperature.
- Preheat the air fryer to around 350-400 degrees Fahrenheit.
- Place your steak on the fryer’s basket and check every 3-5 minutes.
- After the steak is cooked, cover it in foil and let it rest for several minutes.
- You can add a sprinkle of leftover juice or beef stock if you want more moisture in your steak.
Leftover steak can be eaten cold, but there is no feeling better than having it warm. If you want to reheat the leftover steak, you can do it using an oven, skillet, microwave, air fryer, etc.
Reheating the steak using low heat is the best way to retain all the moisture and helps the meat get cooked evenly. However, if you don’t like waiting, you can use a microwave or the skillet to reheat your steak in a couple of minutes. For more moisture, you can add some remaining steak juice or beef stock to the meat.